
@GitEmSteveDave_I'mMonkeypig: I'm betting that the room one's may have, but if all works right, employees should be behind shielding or well away when this is in use.

In Stan Lee's world, this is a good thing.

A warning on the box says, "Don't use near rhinoceroses. Trampling may occur."

Somewhere there is an emo wishing that these fire starters came soaked in clove oil and had black tips to light their cigarettes.

If you can punch holes you can make tactile screens. With a little modification this concept could appeal to those that are blind.

If the first thing you are going to list is emergency cuff links

The .RAW extension predates modern cameras. RAW files were once just that, raw data files with out envelope data, handedness, etc.. .

Just do it and do it now.

FYI: You may be abel to get the shower water cut off and a new shower head for free from your local water company.

This isn't a waste of time.

May Day- really see the May Day parade.

@bluegene: I've found that being active on the discussion boards of any product prior to its beta-stage tends to result in an automatic invite. This holds true if one was good beta tester. Fail to provide feedback and you will likely be removed from the beta test.

So how many horse power is this vehicle, 180 +1?