
@DonSchenck: Whatever happened to Doug Henning? He is dead. Deader than yogic flying or his rainbow fashion sense.

As others have pointed out, open an account at another bank and make deposits there.

If I remember correctly, the original steering yoke was to facilitate the talent get in and out of the car, and was designed to help maximize camera shots. It didn't hurt that it helped make the car look more futuristic.

If you ask "What's your extension?" the response is usually "I can't be reached at the extension I am at." Keep pestering,@JakeRobinson: That used to be the case in all areas, and it worked with touch-tone phones also. It absolutely doesn't work on Centrix (dial 9) or PBX systems.

This just in, Gizmodo confirms that there will be rumors before Macworld.

There is no turbo boost because it already jumped the shark.

My personal belief is that if one has ever used an open wireless network, one should provide one. It's not expensive. And it's completely possible to limit the bandwidth. Just set the second wireless router to only be a 802.1b network, and nobody will be sucking off too much bandwidth. When somebody needs to get

Don't assume that your luggage is lost too soon. Check the other carrousels and the luggage cages. I once found that my bag had arrived 2 hours before I did. I still do not know what vortex of time and space caused this.