
Is it possible for a show to jump the shark before it has even begun shooting?

As with any purchase, ask "Is it going to be a tool or a toy?" Then ask, "Is it a need or a want?"

ersatz = various definitions can be false, untrue, look alike but inferior. Perhaps my use wasn't the cleanest use of it, but I think it still holds.

Knight Rider has had a few attempted comebacks. Some failed in conception and preproduction. The last one to make it screen was a horrible miss match which composed a group of "knight riders" each with their own intelligent vehicle with it's own personality.

For those that use adaptive technology, screen readers or TTS- Leopard brings

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Wow, even works in with the iScroll haxie running on an old PowerBook.

Paid off all debet.

Less is more,

I use

Truecrypt is using a form of steganography as well as encryption. Two separate processes, combined for cryptographic fun. It also uses masking.

The power of the free shuttle: Most airports have hotels around them. There is nothing wrong with grabbing one of those shuttles and meeting your friends at a hotel. At worst you will have the time to grab a bite to eat or a drink and sit in better seats.

If you're really overwhelmed with papers- recycle them. If you are worried about somebody getting your information, your in your right mind. But, it would be better to just get rid of the stuff.

Crayons- good crayons. My sister and I became master furniture repairers growing up. as we got in a bit of trouble if we scratched the furniture. If the furniture polish, cleaner, or water didn't fix the problem, crayons did. If you can find a box of the flesh colored crayons you will have the largest variety. The

43 Things Isn't new, but I have chosen to use it to help me achieve my goals. I don't care about the social networking aspect of the site, but I do like the fact that my friends can spy on my progress and ask how things are going.

For OS X, if you want your processor to be focused on one application and it's daughter processes, look for

I am a huge fan of using localized (stand alone) widgets that don't need the DashBoard over structure (JVM is still used). Having all of those widgets hanging around in the background does nothing for me. On an older computer, such as I have, this can be a real memory hog. I use a program called

If you happen to be in Cambodia, as pictured above, there are three ways to get rid of tourists. 1.) Travel during the monsoon season and watch people disappear during the heavy downpours. Wait until it is clear and grab your shot. 2.) Be patient and grab the shot when you can. It's not like your on assignment