
You are not wrong! But the pull to belong is so strong as to be a compulsion - hell, I read S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders in 8th grade and was ready to start packing a swtichblade in my lunchbox. But I don’t think it is even the mob angle that does it - it’s the family.

Came for the ‘neck shaming, did not stay once I saw the embedded video ad was for The Epoch Times.

“The Metropolitan Transit Authority claims that the problem is not on their end”

Likewise - my Ford Taurus Wagon and Flex were both former sex-workers rentals, and outside of some minor front end work and a throttle body that gave out after 9 years of daily driving, neither of them gave me a bit of trouble in over 350,000 combined km of driving. My trade-in value on the Taurus was not tremendous,

My understanding is that it involves a complicated combination of darts, balloons, pig innards, hamsters and roulette wheels... I have the same questions about Mike Baron’s Punisher run.

Alchemax was a big player in PAD’s recent SM2099 run (set in present-day Marvel continuity) as well as Scarlet Spider. I was looking for his name on the book too, but I’m also curious what Spencer will do with him.

I was thinking this too! My personal record was 96 x d6, when my squad of 32 Hormagaunts charged my buddies Ork mob. Thankfully I’d brought over a hundred dice with me, so we were able to roll them all at once.

I am familiar with many of the workings of the apparatus of persecution shown in the film

My moment of Zen came when a friend explained “most sports are about what is happening at the moment, but baseball is about what is going to happen. It’s a game of anticipation, and the pace reflects this.”

Like a lot of folks, I went to AICN in spite of Knowles, not because of him, and haven’t visited in years. I don’t thinkMcWeeny/Moriarty has written there for years, not since he took off to HitFix before it folded, but I loved his stuff on both sites. Anyone willing to front for Joe Versus the Volcano is all right

It may be time to start talking about partitioning...

Trying to create a Villain-verse without the central hero at the hub of the wheel always felt like a weird way to go to me. With Venom being as (surprisingly) successful as it was, I imagine Sony was just itching for a chance to pull Spidey out of the MCU and back into, well, the Spider-Verse, I suppose. Too bad

I love my 2010 Flex more than I should, and I am sad they are going away. With any luck I can grab a ‘19 or ‘20 leaseback in a couple years, presuming I don’t just wear this one out (252,000 km and counting).

Came here to say this, cheers!

Ha ha, no! Totally knee-jerk reaction!

Nah, man, it’s all ABOUT the hats- the Sardaukar wear ’em to pick fights! Hence the rakish angle.

There’s also the bonus of being able to stay in your comfy pyjama pants and cook brunch for guests in a manner that is completely unacceptable to do in one’s y-fronts.

Particularly in the way she needs her assistant (Whoopi Goldberg) to kick things off by pretending to recognize her... yeah, the similarities are stronger than I thought!

you’d think the SS

Hey baby, it’s me...yeah, it’s been a while....hah, ha, yeah, those were some wild times!