
Just played my third time tonight, and the Edition my friend got came with advanced rules and alternate scenarios. Even withou them though, the sheer number of weapons systems combinations for each mecha, plus the fact that no weapons are duplicated on enemy robots, added to the randomness of the draws, plus player

In related news, Arnold claims that True Lies 2 will start shooting principal photography ‘any day now, honest!’.

Resident Evil categorizes itself as survival horror, but playing Last of Us really made me feel the horror of survival. I was so on edge playing that game, so involved, so engaged (like the dev says), that it literally haunted my dreams. A totally worthwhile but exhausting experience, and it wouldn’t have been the

This thread is a salve to my soul and restores my faith in humanity. Bless you and your considerable empathy for starting it

For years now, my response to “...and how hot do you want it?” has been, “well, I like things spicy, but I’m not trying to prove anything.”

Whoa, hey, this looks extremely cool-thanks for the hot tip!

“Forget it, Linds; it’s Tinseltown.”

It’s weird, but I kind of resent you referring to my favourite off-brand Green Lantern as a “Spider-Man” knock-off.

The apologies are mine, I thought I had pasted in the “start at 8:58" link!

I know, right?! First time HW showed up, I was physically startled and made a little “gah!” noise like I saw the boogeyman.

Now playing

Ha! Reminds me of when Steve Martin called him out (briefly) during his Oscar monologue in 2003...

You’ve captured the man’s individual’s voice admirably here; he is upset because he has never, NEVER seen anything wrong with what he did, Polanski views his plea bargain and conviction as politically expedient, the same way he sees his subsequent flight from justice and exile.

Only if you are diligent about not using a spoon.

Sure, Quill bears a large amount of culpability given how tantalizingly close they were to actually wresting the gauntlet from Thanos, but it seems harsh and unfair to villainize someone for an emotionally charged action that is completely in keeping with their character.

Ever since a kid in Sunday school ruined The Empire Strikes Back’s reveal THREE days before I could see it, I have dreamed of a selective amnesia pill, Spotless Mind style, that can selectively remove your memories of a single movie for 6-8 hours.

Well, to be fair, he did say “You’llll neverrrr see me coming”, we just didn’t know what he meant.

I ended up seeing the movie 1.5 times on Thursday, and since I am a weepy bastard, I was actually disappointed I didn’t find the post-snap deaths as moving as I expected.

Well put! I would also like to add that Josh Brolin has given us the first mo-cap performance with enough nuance to rival Andy Serkis’ Gollum.

I think you are spot on about the reactions to the deaths, and thank you for bringing it up.