
Haha, this is great!

Now he can watch his Vita properly!


I really need to get this, but I don't think I've got enough time spare that I can dedicate to it. Everything I've heard about Minecraft says that it will take up pretty much most of my time.

Thanks again, Kirk! I've started saving these images every week to my random wallpaper folder. They all look amazing.

Looking at the anchor link text used for the back links to the new Falloutwiki, they've got a lot of work to do to get it ranking for The Vault. Especially when compared to the old wiki - []

I disagree. I'm a massive users of The Vault and I had no idea that it had moved location and that I was now viewing 'Nukipedia'. Shows how much I pay attention seeing I didn't notice the logo change.

Best of luck in your new position, Brain.

It's quite nice seeing something local on the mostly American Kotaku :)

Yeah, screw him for loosing weight and getting fit. How selfish of him to better himself when people only enjoy comedy from the unhealthy. What an ass.

Oh man, I love this scene :'(

Has anyone ever told you that you can come across as a bit of a dick? I imagine it's not intentional, but I just though I'd let you know in case you were wondering why people might treat you like on.

It is Alistair from Dragon Age.

Yeah, I'm with you on this one. I really couldn't seen anything different between consoles that would make me chose one over the other.

Include this swimsuit model and my money is yours.

Love. This. Movie! I could listen to the soundtrack all day.

I was sick on my clear Gameboy on a when I was younger. I thought that playing it in the car would take my mind of my car-sickness, which totally didn't work. I could still see bits of sick in the case for months after.

This is great!