
ActionTrip's comic is great this week.

I love The Studio. Probably the best thing to come out of the PS Store in quite some time, even if it is just themes.

I think it has to do with the current generation.

I'd really love to go to a con one year. Any con really. Being from Liverpool, England the only con-like event I go to is the Liverpool Biennial, which is more pretentious than it is geeky/fun.

The two weeks between these two games' release is the perfect amount of time for most gamers to polish off the campaign of one before moving on to the next. I don't think the sales for either will suffer dramatically.

I've just watched that 3 times and I still can't make heads or tails of what they're saying.

I don't know, that sounds a bit too avant-garde to work..

I love for them to continue the story after the game's ending, with the story focusing on bringing Mickey Cohen to justice. Considering he is essentially responsible for all the organised crime in LA, I felt his character had more to offer to the story.

The LA Noire I've been playing is all of a sudden really disappointing.

Whoa whoa whoa, you can blow up the vehicles?? Looks like I have a new strategy!


Give this guy/gall a star!

That would be a pretty grim breathalyser test, to say the least.

I've always wondered if the Kotaku team are sat next each other when liveblogging to one another.

The first image looks like a ballet version of Tron. But, you know, with Spiderman.

Hold the damn phone! Does that say.... yes, yes it does! Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster!!!

I am SO ready! I've already warned my girlfriend to be prepared to be shown and told many things that she has no interest in.

Aww, the highlight of my E3 each year is reading the unedited quips you guys make during your live-blogs, while I watch the live stream.

I'm intrigued, which case is that?

Each video or screenshot of LA Noire I see the more I realise that I really need to sort out the contrast and brightness on my TV. The game's blacks never look that black when I play it :(