A lot of people have been lynched by that way of thinking, though. Generally by crowds that felt very righteous about it, with a lot of certainty.
A lot of people have been lynched by that way of thinking, though. Generally by crowds that felt very righteous about it, with a lot of certainty.
I think that's unfair. More importantly — 'cause who really cares if we're unfair to men? — it doesn't do anything to solve the problem of violence against women. I think it perpetuates that huge, glaring, tragic problem by encouraging fear and hatred between genders.
Keep going with the 'gentle as possible' approach, I think. It may feel weird, and it may not be effective in the sense that she may be sorely unimpressed and decide she doesn't like you precisely because you're be so polite and non-aggressive. That does happen. But when that happens, that just means that you've…
Well, imagine if it's switched around. If you go into a forum where people are talking about how horrible women are, do you just take it as a compliment that you're not one and move on?
To believe a person when they say that something happened to them is one thing. To believe a person's supposition about why it happened and what everyone else thinks about it is entirely different.
Well, no. We've all been to high school. It's entirely possible that all the people involved are collectively lying. It wouldn't be the first time, or the last.
I like the writing.
Jezebel worries entirely too much about the fashionable appearances of both genders. They can claim that they want to empower women and stop all the harm being done to women through media images, but what happens when I click on that little pink J? Let's see ... a whole bunch of very thin women in a lot of makeup…
I wonder if they didn't just, what's the term, fail the scene. Maybe it was intended to seem a lot more consensual than it ended up being. Maybe they thought it would be obvious and it just wasn't?
I could only enjoy Doom so far. I needed a bit more storyline, though I think that what they had was good for the time. I was very impressed with the Aliens mod, though — I was perplexed and delighted by the way that the sounds of xenomorphs slavering as they hunted me could elicit a strong adrenaline response. I…
Point of grammar in the first sentence. It sounds like superheroines are objectifying superheroes.
This map does a lot to explain why the United States supposedly had more sympathy with Germany during World War II than one would expect. I had no idea there were so many Germans.
I don't get it. How is being a grandparent (of either gender) anything but a positive?
"I'll believe this doesn't have patriarchal roots the moment I see a father recite a poem warning all the girls his future son may date not to break his heart, too."
"It's a parent's instinct to want to shield their children from harm. It's not patriarchy."
Can the Supreme Court itself suffer from affluenza?
No. I'm more or less impossible to oppress. It's a character flaw.
But what do you mean by 'dodge consequences?' If by 'dodge consequences' you mean 'they're still legally allowed to express themselves,' then that's different than if you mean ... actually, I'm not sure what else you could mean. What do you mean?
Well, you're definitely right that their shirts are inappropriate. And hey, subject them to all the social consequences you want. I know I certainly would.
Well, all ideological speech certainly isn't equally valuable in my eyes. If 'gay is OK!' is on the left side of the street and 'gay is not OK!' is on the right side of the street, and the two camps are yelling at each other, I'm on the left side of the street and I'm yelling at the right.