
I think Gandalf would definitely win in a fistfight or a swordfight or basically anything involving actual hand-to-hand combat, but I don’t see him winning once Dumbledore pulls out the wand and starts casting a bunch of very powerful (but too silly for Tolkien) spells.

I disagree with the idea that the marriage won’t work because they’re both huge personalities with a lot of extremely important things to do.

It’s not an “or” situation. There’s nothing stopping a superhero movie from also being a space opera, any more than anything stops a martial arts movie from also being a mystery (The Brotherhood of the Wolf).

I disagree with him. It’s true that helping young males deal with their emotions is one of the useful things that pop music can do, but I don’t think there’s a real lack. It isn’t quite the dominant force that it once was, but I think there’s still enough of it out there that fans can be picky.

I also like Bats v. Supes, particularly the extended version. It’s over-plotted, sure, but an over-plotted superhero movie is a nice change.

This seems wrong. He’s too old to play Billy Batson, too small to play Captain Marvel/Shazam/whatever they’re calling him now.

Doesn’t it seem likely to anyone else that the Spore Drive is going to send them into the future? Presumably into the 25th century at least. This answers the question of, “Why doesn’t TOS/TNG/DS9/VOY have a Spore Drive?” Because the only one went into the future and skipped all of those, and then arrives in some

Do you have any ideas? What gun laws do you think are wise?

I don’t think Lorca’s moral shortcomings are as anti-Trek as you’re saying. While all of the captains that have been main characters in a series have been at least mostly paragons of virtue, captains going bad was a staple of TOS, and Lorca is not the star of the show.

I’ve always liked Courtney Love. It may help that I try hard not to know much about celebrities — if they’re actors, I try to judge them on their acting, if they’re musicians, I try to judge them on their music. Stories of their private lives and public shenanigans are often (historically) fabricated anyway. Judging

Huge improvement over the premiere. Just Martin-Green being so much less overwrought made a vast difference.

I don’t find DC movies hard to follow at all. In most respects (pretty much all of them save “light-hearted whimsy”), I find them generally superior to Marvel movies. DC movies are more for grownups and Marvel movies are more for kids, which is fine, ‘cause kids gotta have their movies, too. But give me an

Did not work. Was not impressed. It even seemed like a step backwards in comparison to, say, Tron: Legacy. Which also didn’t work, and I wasn’t impressed there, either.

It was certainly a very pretty show, easily the prettiest space show I’ve seen since Farscape. That doesn’t count for much in my book, but since that was the most impressive feature of the show, it seems worth mentioning.

That’s an improvement over the last time I watched WWE, when they were spouting fairly current racist comments.

I don’t know if this was everyone’s experience, but it was also the least interesting of the MarvelFlix stuff.

I don’t get how turning Nissa Nissa into an Other helped anything.

I did feel like the Amazons in general were more impressive, and more what I wanted to see. Robin Wright gave the movie a far more credible sense of warrior women than Gal Gadot did.

I don’t think they were very far on the other side of the Wall at all. My impression was that the Arrowhead Mountain was only a few hours away from the Wall.

I’m okay with Arya relying on her impressive ninja skills rather than her maybe even more impressive face-stealing skills. ‘Cause she’s gotta get those faces from somewhere, y’know ...?