Yes, everyone does have the right to be racist. Taking away that right doesn't do a thing to make them less racist, it only enforces whatever messed up paradigm they've got going that makes them racist in the first place.
Yes, everyone does have the right to be racist. Taking away that right doesn't do a thing to make them less racist, it only enforces whatever messed up paradigm they've got going that makes them racist in the first place.
Congratulations on your marriage! :)
Sure, the law is the law. I'd say it hits all three.
I think it would be enormously stupid for them to show up in KKK shirts during black history month. Also very wrong on a moral level.
This argument that the cops make, that a crime is hard to prove and so they have to rely on profiling in order to cast a sufficiently wide net, is total bull@#$%. And they must know it.
So if you become the bully — force these kids to change their shirts, or whatever — what protects you?
One of freedom's best features is its contagious nature.
I do not agree with what their t-shirts say, and I think they're being dicks, but free speech is free speech, no matter how you feel about it. It may hurt you emotionally to see those shirts, but that does not give you the right to silence them, no matter how stupid they're being.
Is it also rude to photograph men under the same circumstances?
Oh. Well, that does make sense. Well, not really. But it does seem likely that it would happen.
Sorority hazing guys. Does not compute.
Materialism is one of patriarchy's most successful tools.
I like how they all just look confused. And the one guy who's like, "I have to go to the bank first ..." Was he implying that he took her for a prostitute? Which is perhaps not an uncommon or irrational response.
I would never even consider the dating advice given by people that didn't have all-caps feelings about portkeys.
A demeaning image does not actually affect anyone, either. I know many people will argue that it does, but they're wrong, whether they're talking about a demeaning image of women or a demeaning image of Christ or a demeaning image of Muslims or a demeaning image of humanity as a whole or anything. But we still do…
Nope. Just that Jezebel should remember, before they decide that girls should absolutely be allowed to wear whatever they want regardless of how it affects others, that eventually someone is going to suggest (madly, I know) that boys should have the same entitlement.
A decent question. After all, if the idea is that we no longer have any responsibility for how other people react to the way we dress, that opens up a ton of interesting and terrifying possibilities. Just to use one example, would Jezebel be defending the right of a boy to wear a t-shirt with an image that they…
More information is needed before judgment could be rendered.
I think it's nice to be able to play as one gender or the other if you want to. Some people are really into their gender-identity, y'know? Really helps with the immersion.
Yeah, there would have needed to have been some scenes before that where she showed some kind of interest and inclination in using the force and wielding a lightsaber. Why there weren't any, I don't know.