
You're only naive if you automatically believe in the list.

"Human trafficking?" It's @#$%ing SLAVERY.

Research does not agree that men are kept emotionally stunted? Especially in the workplace? I disagree.

I think that if I were Scarlett Johansson, I would try not to pay too much attention to celebrity media, either. There's only so much, "Her boobs are amazing! Her acting talent is more questionable!" that a person can take. At least, that's my guess. To my knowledge, there is no celebrity media out there

I have a gender-ambiguous username and avatar, so you might think I'm a guy, which would explain why you dismiss my opinion and tell me to shut up — proving my point. Men (or at least hypothetical men) do have it harder than you think, and you may be more of a perpetrator than you realize.

Aiyeee! Right there with you. Gotcha.

That is possible. I guess both genders have a tendency to think that the other gender is always getting a better deal. Women will tend to think that men are the only ones allowed to show emotions, and men will tend to think that women are the only ones allowed to show emotion. I'd suspect that they're both

Have you seen what happens to men that display any kind of emotion other than triumph at a workplace? It's not pretty. They're kept pretty emotionally stunted.

Isn't it possible, then, that it's not men that are treated differently (or better ... I would say that they're treated somewhat worse in this regard), but management?

I can't help but find it weird that it was the hula-hooping that made her decide to stop working there. That almost seems like it was thrown in specifically to get an eye-roll response from half of the people reading it.

I don't know about this. It seems to me that women get off much lighter for screaming and crying alike. Just an observation.

Is that really a meaningful punishment? What does a lieutenant colonel take in?

I think you've got a very strong point. You have to be careful when you're screwing around with someone else's culture, obviously.

I like to think that somehow there's some chance that these people are still alive and okay. I know that seems unlikely, but the world is full of things and events that don't make sense, and in the same way that things can suddenly go wrong for bizarre reasons, things can also suddenly go right. The waveform has not

It's ridiculous and offensive that they don't take threats of rape more seriously.

There is not a resentment among women at being lead by men?

As a personal extremely fascinated, it's like this (for me): the shape of the posterior tells you a lot about a person, physically, including their level of activity and their core strength. A great vertical leap is sexy. I think it speaks to something in the DNA regarding one's ability to tackle gazelles and avoid

Good leadership is a matter of convincing people to do thing without creating resentment, or else accepting that resentment. If you can't do either of those things, you're bossy without being a boss, regardless of your gender. Where your gender might come into it is when some people might harbor more resentment

I can't help but notice that this is basically just the advertising tactic used most commonly in fitness products targeted to men. "What's your excuse?" is a recurring meme in the men's fitness ads, and those 'motivational posters' that are always trying to go viral, that this woman adopted and targeted to moms,

This was the most interesting thing I've ever heard about Miley Cyrus. Giant tongue slide? I'll google up a picture of that. I've always liked surrealist art, especially sculpture and other 3D forms.