
Sorry. I'm not seeing any evidence of sexism, here. What am I missing?

The reason that it's a bad idea to politicize the trial before its outcome is that you don't really know if the guy is guilty of any or all charges yet. The most important thing for the trial to do is to be accurate. After that, it can be political.

Men are big. I think they can take it. Remember that to most men, being objectified would be a step up.

The funny thing is that if someone decided that they didn't want to allow bigots into their restaurant, the bigots would cry foul and insist that they're a protected class.

Marriage is stupid.

Sorry again. It keeps coming up in other conversations I'm having.

If they do it at work, then that seems as inappropriate as doing it in public.

Thing is, I don't think there's a simple line between the famous and the anonymous in terms of how they'll deal with people masturbating to their image. I don't think that most of the famous people ever signed anything to the effect that it's okay for anybody (presumably some of them have but that's probably a

Hey, I thought of an easy one.

Well, if you eliminate all the famous people, then you might have a point ... but if you asked me to find any of those things run by men, I wouldn't know where to look, either. I'm sure the versions run by women exist.

Thank you!

Aha! Okay, yes, that's totally doable. I do this already, but I could do more of it. I mean the part about calling men on it when they make inappropriate comments in an attempt to bully women with their sexuality. It's not acceptable and I tell them so and they never do it around me more than once.

I agree that there's a difference, but I'm having trouble articulating to myself what the difference is. I appreciate your help.

As I said earlier in this thread, being considered attractive should not exempt someone from being able to freely move in the world without being pinned as a masturbatory target for the masses.

Sorry, maybe that was rude. I've just been reading lots of the posts in here and it seemed to be a common topic.

Points for honesty, I suppose.


"Unsanctioned sexualization" is an interesting term. Is that really something that should be shamed or done away with?

And no one cares, because dudes want to make jerking off a social activity, and women aren't people.

Speaking as a bookstore owner, you can bite me. I understand your point, but we are still living in a world where Amazon is not as available as the people that live on the internet might think. Also, if Amazon is all that's left, then you're back to the problem of one person (or corporation in this case) choosing