I'm honestly not sure about this. Idris Elba would make an excellent Superman, no doubt, he's got all the important qualifiers. But how's his Clark Kent?
Consider it one more reason to make your own art, maybe.
I remain generally unimpressed with this whole 'rap battle' thing.
They're both beautiful people regardless of makeup and airbrushing. And it's not like the airbrushed version with its layers of supposedly aesthetic shielding applied to their skin is actually any more interesting or fun to look at. Why cover up their humanity with all the goop and FX?
I'd like to believe you.
Looks way more like Xena.
Doesn't make sense. How can you not show up to class and still be discriminated against by it? He claims to think that the women wouldn't have interacted with him, but he can't know that 'cause he never gave them a chance. So ... no.
Think I'm a man, do you? :) I guess I could be. You never know.
There is only one practical solution for most people, really anybody who isn't in a position of creative control at Disney: stop putting Disney in charge of what you think about anything.
Okay. That makes sense, I suppose.
On a practical level, in terms of how you treat men and how you expect men to treat you, what's the difference?
It's a hollow world. You can see it in the opening credits of the show, and I think I read somewhere that Martin approved the opening credits.
I like Aquaman (also Namor, incidentally).
Nobody gets paid what they're worth. If they did, the janitor that makes the work environment clean and professional would get paid a lot more than the CEO that steals everyone's pension.
That poetry is beautiful.
They really should. Plus-size princes, too. And no, the Beast doesn't count.
That's what I meant. I just didn't gender-ize my words so as to avoid needless confusion and nitpicking. Nobody should harass anybody.
I'm pretty sure that people have to be able to stand up for themselves, for their own sake, and as a social responsibility as well. But I'm starting to get the idea that we can't expect everybody to be prepared to defend themselves at all times.
I have no trouble believing that sexual harassment is a problem in every industry. Pretty much whenever you have people with leverage they think they can exploit, some asshole will give it a try. There's no excuse for treating co-workers that way. It's unprofessional and intolerable. And we really do need more…