Spot on. The cognitive dissonance at the heart of this nation is irreconcilable. That doesn’t mean we won’t have success at times. But it does mean that we won’t ever arrive at a place where the country isn’t some version of what it is right now.
Spot on. The cognitive dissonance at the heart of this nation is irreconcilable. That doesn’t mean we won’t have success at times. But it does mean that we won’t ever arrive at a place where the country isn’t some version of what it is right now.
His shtick doesn’t work without enemies. His followers will wander back to their trailer parks and 55-and-older communities if he can’t keep them in a stage of faux outrage.
Shit, man, that chant was started by his own plants. The TV president is complaining about staging. Pfft.
Spot-fuckin’ on, Holly.
Also, notice how he claims her crowd is staged? Every criticism Trumpkin has ever uttered has been projection, so this just proves to me that his pathetic crowds are sprinkled with paid plants.
That he lacks the respect to do even the bare minimum of research on the people he’s meeting with (a genocide survivor? Christ! the stories this person must have, and Trump wastes the opportunity, being his usual vacuous self) shows how little he cares about just about anything, and how ill-suited he is for the job.…
notice him jeering at her crowd size?
Jesus Christ, I know it’s not related at all, but that lede image. Remember when photo ops at the White House didn’t look like hostage situations?
Mainstream Media, which has lost all credibility, has either officially or unofficially become a part of the Radical Left Democrat Party.
Motherfucking, treasonous, fat-ass calling someone foul mouthed.
I think Omar’s warm and wonderful welcome home from her constituents at the airport is the real story. It’s the thing that triggered his newest complaint, anyway; notice him jeering at her crowd size? He’s pissed that she won her election by a landslide & her people love her, while he couldn’t win a plurality &…
Nah. This guy’s got it coming. Mobilize young voters in your community. Write letters to reps and senators. Do a little thing everyday. Never back down from this goon. He's the lard land donut boy.
Stay alive just to spite him.
It’s only July 2019.
The common ground is safety and health for themselves and family. You have to remember we are still healing from slavery. This is the infection that happens when you ignore your wound. Germany was able to piece itself together after the horror of Nazi and are still grappling with it. It’s painful, slow and we will…
It survived because it wore a mask to the world, and to itself. The genocide, the slavery, and the oppression never really coexisted in our mental image of America, it was merely covered up by the mall that shows is as enlightened and exceptional. But now, the mask has fallen away, and this country’s ugliness is now…
I call absolute gobshite on the tired ass “common ground” trope. the civil war was not fought in hopes of the confederacy changing their mind and eschewing cruelty same with nazi germany they werent seeking commonality with the Poles and the French. Please explain what common ground is to be had between virulent…
This is a great point.
People have said I’m overreacting or being hyperbolic, by I truly think we’re heading towards civil war. All it would take would be for Trump to lose in 2020 and refuse to give up the Presidency. Knowing him, that’s not just possibly, it’s likely.