Nope, “Perfect and fitting” would be Mr. Musk being prospected for his “Full Self Crashing” Fraud. As at least 44 people have died making it a Capital Murder Case as it was clearly a Premeditated Felony...
Nope, “Perfect and fitting” would be Mr. Musk being prospected for his “Full Self Crashing” Fraud. As at least 44 people have died making it a Capital Murder Case as it was clearly a Premeditated Felony...
Collin, perhaps covering all those parking lots of unsold MAGA Motors cars and the locations of said parking lots. Just asking for a friend...
You helped support the Sociopath named Mr. Elon Musk, so don’t be surprised when either you can’t get parts & service or someone trashes your Swastikar and you find out that its “actual cash value” is less than $5000 because the used value of MAGA Motors cars has completely tanked...
If you were driving a RWD V6 or V8 car with a GM designed or GM Manufactured Automatic then you likely had the best work of their ford Hydramatic Division also called Hydra-Matic, a Ford C6 or E8, or Chrysler Torque Flight.
Same here as I have never owned a car with an automatic. White I have taken a lot criticism from dipsh!ts who can’t drive one, I have only replaced a few manuals on my own cars: Honda 2 low mileage failures, VW Van at over 350,000 miles for popping out of 4th, Ford Econoline at about 520,000 for a bad syncro on 2nd...
Does he own stock in MAGA Motors???
Immigration has been arrested Native Americans for deportation to Mexico while claiming that Identification from Tribal Nations is not valid. Just remember that after they come for us, they will eventually get around to coming for you...
Thin & crappy metal but good plastics has been Honda’s & other Japanese automaker’s MO for decades. As for American Cars it has been good metal but cheap plastics for just as long...
Except for all the Break My Wallet Issues...
Agreed, as GM makes better pickups than Toyota and has better support. However, I would prefer a cab long enough to have reclining bucket seats and a bed that will fit a 4x8 sheet of plywood. Or better yet a panel truck that would fit a 4x10 sheet laying flat...
“The only solution is the least likely of all scenarios, ALL of humanity unanimously agrees to never use nukes ever, generation after generation in perpetuity.”
The “what” happened is obvious. The aircraft had a slow decompression killing everyone on board and continued to fly until out of fuel...
Exactly, and all the cars you mention are better EV’s than MAGA Motors makes...
I would expect MAGA Motors to act like they will honor their warranty to get the owner to take it to them and then either: try to get the owner to trade the car for another at a huge cost, and if that doesn’t work, manufacture a reason for claiming it was abuse and isn’t covered...
You could buy a better EV as a used Chevy Volt is $10,000 to $20,000, depending on condition & mileage. All have had the batteries replaced...
You must really suck in person...
To bad we can’t just test MAGA Motor’s Full Self Driving by attaching Mr. Musk to the front bumper of their dual motor EV with construction adhesive & perhaps by using a screw gun, placing an orange in the steering wheel and set the software to cross LA during rush hour, Twice. So many problems could solved at once...
Not really. Those professional truck drivers who work there over-sized butts off are literally killing themselves. See who Buc-ees could learn from: