They make hamburgers taste like hotdogs.
They make hamburgers taste like hotdogs.
Think of how stupid the average person is. Now think of how stupid the average republican is...
Their clan gets a charge out of needless killing and wanton destruction. They love holding up dead things they killed themselves, and they revel in walking through disaster scenes. Anything they touch eventually dies or gets ruined. And they love it.
Nothing says Outdoorsman more than using teeth whitening and airbrushing editing on your trophy catch picture!
I’d be willing to piss from a helicopter.
What is it with supposed adults posing with a caught fish like it’s some sort of major accomplishment? (And I don’t just mean these jackasses)
Note to self: Must send $$ to Tester.
We all know he likes to kill various animals, and likely doesn’t give a shit, BUT.... I’m assuming he is in a catch-and-release area, and taking a fish out of the water then gripping it around the belly like he is.... Suffice it to say, the Magic 8 Ball Would say outlook for this trout is uncertain.
Best analogy of the week!
I’m sure there is a lot of important stuff going on in Montana but I find it funny that he’s been to California once his entire presidency (as far as I can tell) and been to Montana twice... just this year.
There’s only two things that come to mind on Montana. This is the other one!
Love the Frank reference!
He’ll get an hour of yard time a day!
Ivanka can’t be away from dad too long, she’s his minder. And Jr. has spent his entire life trying and failing to make his dad love him--this was just another wacky scheme of his.
They make camels look like sea cucumbers.
I really can’t overstate how much I’m looking forward to the day when “Look at me, I’m Mr. Outdoorsman!” has a shitload of indictments dropped on him that ensure it’ll be a long time before he sullies nature with his presence again.
Why are his stupid son and his girlfriend being used as political icons? Because he’s the son of the president? Why does that even matter, he has nothing to do with politics (beyond shooting his mouth off).
As thirsty as those two are, I don’t understand how that river is still flowing in the background.
So much for my dreams of becoming a dental floss tycoon…
Arrogant trust fund babies are the worst thing about humanity! I wish him the absolute worst. No sympathy!