the longing for what used to be
the longing for what used to be
I will, without a second thought, waive my race’s demographic dominance for a taco truck on every corner.
Oh, trust me - I could’ve dove into how fear is the dominant motivator for Dem voters this November, but that’s a book in and of itself.
There is a lot more to that then you realize. Fear really IS much easier to sustain - look at the fact that crime and murder rates are near their lowest point since they began to be measured in the mid-20th century, and yet if you flip on Faux News, an MS-13 member is probably outside your home RIGHT NOW.
Whereas if…
“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” HPLovecraft, notable racist.
Seems this site agrees. The Racist History of the Democratic Party
It’s kind of like Frosty the Snowman, except it was a magical cock ring...
The scary thing is while browsing Amazon, I’ve noticed his “documentaries” have glowing reviews, almost 5 star average.
Real talk: I’d actually like science to explain how a pile of shit became sentient and named itself Dinesh D’Souza.
Whoa whoa, but Dinesh D’Souza (now pardoned) says that Democrats are the real racists. He’s made documentaries about it.
When a White man kills somebody, society blames that one man.
He's, at the very least, intertwined with Donald Trump.
He lied about knowing Flynn was meeting with Russians. I know it was less than a year ago, but seems like an eternity.
While I think you’re bang-on in your estimation of both the modern GOP and Trump relative to Nixon, I just don’t think such defeatism is entirely warranted at this point. Let the investigation play out.
I’m not betting on a sudden spurt of altruism or actual patriotism from Congressional Republicans--I’m betting…
He will never resign, and removal (a la impeachment) is as close to a zero possibility as you can get without it actually being zero. The modern GOP is not the GOP of 1974, and *45 is not Nixon. *45 has no loyalty to anyone but himself, will not sacrifice himself to save anyone but himself, and does not care about…
...and you just know Trump’s screaming about “twelve year old tax cases” relative to Manafort is an entire theater’s worth of projection, too.
The day those tax returns are opened, shit’s really gonna hit the fan.
I think people are overlooking what Trump highlights in his dumb comments. This money, per Cohen, came out of Trump Org as a 400k payment to Cohen.
I cried at 10 years of pence. :(