David Gustafson

I dunno, man. I thought that was Kurt Russell as Snake Plissken.

A minor kvetch: all those solo obelisks, when Egyptians always built them in pairs.

Ditch the pretty young man and replace eye-patch guy with Kurt Russell as Snake Plissken, and Gods of Egypt becomes the greatest movie never made.

There’s a wonderful irony in that the only thing that can save Gotham the show is the only thing that can save Gotham the city — the arrival of Batman — and that’s probably the only thing that DC has contractually forbidden the series.

Wouldn’t you love to see her as a season-long opponent on Agent Carter? Wow.

It might as well have been Missy killing time while her latest scheme is brewing. The main thing I got from the episode is that Michelle Gomez needs her own show.

There is giving up cameos like it’s no tomorrow and giving out small bit pieces as a nod. It’s safe to say we all hope for the latter.

When NASA gets back into naming crewed spacecraft again, I hope this story sticks in their mind. As easy as it might be right now to justify braggadocio and cynicism, I hope Glenn’s idealism never goes out of style!

Thanks for the knowledge. Now I can tell my truther friends that it was called Friendship 7 for this, and not because Friendship 1-6 met untimely ends.

I have a vague recollection that I’ve heard this before, long ago — possibly at the time — but I had completely forgotten it. Thanks so much for bringing it back to mind!

Meh. Stop with the Fanwank and just focus on making a good story.

I still think this movie’s best chance to not be another Total Recall/Robocop is to take its own path and move as far from the original film as they’re capable of going. If it’s a straight remake, with Slimer and Stay Puft and Zuul and Gozer, it’s going to have too high a bar to clear.

I’m looking forward to this movie, but hope they aren’t going to go overboard with the references to the previous films. It’s beginning to sound like this thing will have more cameos than Around the World in Eighty Days (which would not be a good thing).

I’m still unsure of that movie. I don’t the actresses enough to judge them, but just the fact they went with reboot instead of a Next Generation kind of sequel/spin-off kinda rubs me the wrong way.