David Gustafson

Going slightly OT here, but Rizzo may be the best defensive first baseman I’ve seen since Keith Hernandez retired. The man is smooth...

One of the Mets’ radio announcers pointed out that, even when Schwarber gets the right read on the ball, he takes a couple of steps backward while catching it, leaving him in no position for a throw, letting baserunners advance at will. Like you say...lots of remedial drills in his future. (But my oh my, what a bat!)

I don’t think it was “pure,” but a mixed bag of wanting to save his son and wanting to rid himself of Palpatine and take charge himself.

That’s the way life works. If you can’t win for fear of losing, stay on your couch and get out of peoples’ way.

Why oh why oh why can’t you make a cable tv series dramatizing these stories? Same cast every week, playing different roles. It’d be the funniest show in the history of television.

I know. These guys couldn’t be more Stalinist if they all grew an Uncle Joe mustache.

After a quick internet lipreading course...

Marines are not “soldiers,” they are Marines. They’re polite but solid on this. You should get your nomenclature straight before you start tossing around insults.

This could be the set-up for a really effective horror movie.

Totally picturing Chris Hemsworth as the Grilled Cheese King of Korea.

These secret menu/special order geeks are quite amazing, and not in a good way. They order fries baked in strawberry milkshake syrup, and act like they’re 007 ordering his superduper martini.

There’s a street in Minneapolis — North Fifth Avenue — which is 75% century-old uneven brick with a 25% overlay of fractured, scattered asphalt. It’s like driving down the rocky bed of a dry stream. And this road ends, quite literally, at the gates of five year old, $800 million Target Field.

Wow. With this guy on the team, Ernie Banks wouldn’t want to play even one.

It’s a little-known fact that Secretariat was an AMAZING free-throw shooter, especially in the ninth inning.

Though I have a feeling — based upon NO evidence whatsoever (not even anecdotal), just a feeling — that horses like to run, and run faster than other horses. I wish there was a way we could determine of a horse is intelligent enough to understand what winning a race means. Or doesn’t mean, depending upon one’s point

Don’t know if it’s an actual myth or not, but I’ve always had the impression that aggressive tailgaters do so partly because they “think” that if they push the person ahead to go far over the speed limit, only the leading car will get pulled over and ticketed. (Because they know that pretty much nobody ever gets

People are ignoring the tragic, put-upon, misunderstood, unfortunate non-aging male in all this. Doesn’t anybody realize that we’re required by statute to buy a toupee, a red convertible, and Viagra — lots and lots of Viagra — at age 55, whether we need* them or not? And to date much, much, MUCH younger women or men,

Silence of the Lambs 2A is going to be especially creepy...

“Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!”

Fantasy: John Belushi as David Brooks on Meet the Press, drunk, hungover, unshaven, unwashed, rumpled, chain smoking, mad as hell, drinking straight out of a bottle pretty good rye, telling off the world...