Recently, I had occasion to search the stock photography database Shutterstock for pictures depicting ancient Rome.…
Recently, I had occasion to search the stock photography database Shutterstock for pictures depicting ancient Rome.…
You see, the problem is the fact that they’re not full-time NFL employees. On Tuesday, most go back to their regular jobs as pharmaceutical test subjects or guys who shoot birds at the airport.
In your defense, she could have been both A)a complete fuckwad and B) attacked mainly on the base of her sex by certin employees.
Women can be soulless, ignorant fuckwads too. What a revolutionary concept.
Don’t feel too badly though, your heart was in the right place. It’s just that this hack piece of shit fraud didn’t deserve your sympathy
My thoughts exactly. Some of us gave her the benefit of the doubt for a minute, some longer. But DAMN, how often does someone have to prove themselves capitol “E” Evil before the “thinking class” gets the hint.
If this guy is a protestor, Carly Fiorina is a presidential candidate.
“Do you have any soul left at all?”
Jesus, Carly. What are you willing to say? What are you willing to espouse? Do you have any soul left at all?
but at least you can legally do 85 in texas, amirite?
Before you post that angry traffic tweet about how you’re the only person in your region of the U.S. who knows how…
Forget all those Roman epics with sprawling casts of white actors speaking in (real or fake) British accents. New…
Sylvester Stallone’s recent sit-down with Robert Rodriguez for
The Director’s Chair made a pretty compelling case…
Beating a woman? No problem; welcome to the team!
Prevent defense is the most mind boggling play calling in the NFL. I've yet to see it work successfully this season.
Sure, play right into their apocalyptic ideology and create a few hundred thousand martyrs in the process, not to mention all the other bonuses that come with a nuclear detonation, like a drifting radiation cloud in a region where the west has damned few friends as it is. Great thinking, what could possibly go…
What is clearly a well-planned, multiple-pronged terror attack has hammered locations around Paris tonight. Here is…
“claimed that Holder merely slipped and fell”
We loved Battlestar Galactica's nuanced approach to foreign affairs, wartime politics, and classicism, but how…