
I think non-bundled accessories are useless and doomed to fail.

For these type of peripherals to succeed, everyone must have them, so game developers make games with the peripheral in mind. Once people don't have them, they won't make games with them. So then what's the point of having it then?

Which leads to the

Do you even lift bro? He's obviously training.

There was a time, back in the 90's when I was grounded from the internet. I got a friend's family's AOL log in information to secretly get on. Which was all fine and dandy until their parents showed up at my house telling them they couldn't use their account because I was logged in.

That was probably the most trouble

I have a hard time sleeping. One of the ways I make myself fall asleep, is listening to podcasts. So I always sleep with my phone in my bed.

Previously, I would wake up in the middle of the night, and start thinking about work or life and couldn't fall asleep. By putting on a podcast, I found it distracted me just

I know I had trouble using this for work functions, because to use the wifi at work (and set up the device), the wifi has a pop up log in screen that I couldn't for the life of me get the chromecast device to log into.

That's what I immediately thought. I've always had a roommate, haven't had a car, and Ikea furniture forever.

I just came here to dance.

Whew, I thought it was just me. Alone in a world where I could no longer procrastinate my work through menial conversations.

I'm the opposite. I live in a Brooklyn apartment and have decided I am absolutely done with cluttery and space-taking physical media.

Shaved heads are not hipster. There's just a lot of aging hipsters trying to fight thinning hair.

Ever date a person, that makes your chest ache? You know it hurts, it makes you anxious, but it's all you want in the world. They make you feel alive in a way other people don't.

That's why people like spicy food.

I figured, being excited, publicly thanking the person, and showing off the gift they bought, because you like it so much...should be flattering.

As someone who doesn't send Thank You notes, this is probably the best someone would get. Sorry mom.

It works in the opposite direction too. When I read, "How it evolved in humans...", comparing that to other animals without a real "culture" seems silly.

So much of our mating and family rituals are heavily influenced by gender roles and societal expectations...which also is different than practice...which makes it

What I don't understand is, humans are forever stained and cursed because of what Adam did. So I am responsible and being punished for, something my great great great great great great something or other did.

Yet, God takes no responsibility for the faulty creatures he makes and the things they do. But I'm still on

Job is what killed Christianity for me.

I think the idea is, this is a lego movie. Legos are an object. You would think, maybe hope, that it was actually done with said object that the title of the movie is named after.

It's like, going to see a Muppet movie and finding out it was done in CG and not puppets. Kind of disappointing.

At work, we had someone's shared Itunes library pop up. All porn.

I would only pay more, if they moved to a per month structure. Just paying them that much money up front in a lump sum, makes me uncomfortable.

Maybe I'm being silly, but I keep waiting for them to include an ultimate pack that includes the expansions.