
Truthfully, I found it much more strange back when it was still a giant hole in the ground. The whole thing was walled off with a tall fence. The most you could see, would be a sliver if you found a hole or gap in the fencing.

At least, people can actually go and see an actual object now instead of staring at a wall.

As the person who submitted this, I found it annoying that everyone who got in the train had to go around to avoid him, because he had to put his feet up on the pole.

I was thinking about this kind of thing recently. I was like, wouldn't OKC be infinitely better if it only allowed women to make the first contact? She'd still hit some bad ones, but...it wouldn't be an onslaught of creepers.

I guess Tinder gets closer to that.

I considered it a meta and satirical joke. That is both taking the air out of the conspiracy, and making the joke about someone else making the joke (which is kind of making fun of that person).

This is getting to be an important option for me. I have a Nikon DSLR, with a lens that only focuses manually, and I use a large aperture. Since that sweet spot is so small, with my worsening eyesight...if I use the viewfinder to focus...I'll mess it up a good percentage of the time. Using the screen does tend to

To me it's all about boredom.

The Dr. is supposed to help somewhat reflect humanity, and I feel like I'm just done seeing the reflection off of white dudes.

My dream has been for there to a Pitchfork for books. Selective, obscure, knowledgeable, and discerning. Even if it's snobby.

I am not giving advertising clicks and views to a website, who has had shady journalistic standards, uses tabloid tactics to rile people up, while purposefully polluting public discourse.

In the above, I read it as "Paul, was fighting against a small group who were trying to backtrack to Jewish Law", when it's been said that Paul is the one who trying to change the status quo, not the Judaizers.

I was referencing the contradiction in that telling, as opposed to the blog post above. Which to me read like, "Paul, was fighting against a small group who was trying to backtrack to Jewish Law", when it's been said that Paul is the one trying to break away from tradition at the time.

I've read several reviews about

Damn, I was re-reading it and was like...am I missing something? I WAS.

There are militant agnostics? Usually atheists just yell at agnostics for not being "on their side" or for being indecisive.

"Why the slide towards circumcision hatred?"

I recently read "Zealot" by Reza Aslan, his take on it...and I'm paraphrasing here...was that early Christianity was still "Jewish". Jesus, his followers, the first writers, all identified religiously and culturally as Jewish. They weren't trying to create a new religion,

On the plane, I always try to layer it up. Especially in the winter.

I wear a t-shirt, with some sort of button up on top, sometimes I'll also wear a light sweater, a hoody, and a jacket over it all. Bam. That's 5 extra clothing options for the trip.

You really told those bloggers...on a different subsidiary blog site...who are writing about productivity, websites, and software.

You beat me to it.

It was amazing.

I still say that Nintendo's hardware is getting in the way of their own success. I really don't understand what they get from making a console.

They lose money on the console and are essentially just using the console to sell their own games. And the console is not selling. It's hurting their brand by limiting their

There's nothing more simplistic or annoying than stating "smart" people agree with you and "dumb" people disagree. Your opinion has nothing to do with intellect or "common sense".

Nearly every day, I start waking up at 5 AM, but have my clock set at 8 AM. The alarm clock isn't for getting me up. But allows me to rest a bit, knowing that if I ever do fall back asleep, it has my back.

Science is indifferent towards religion. For example, photosynthesis is indifferent to whether humans are Jews, Hindu, or anything else. Religion does not play a part in science. It exists outside of religion.

Greek mythology didn't matter when Eucleides estimated the circumference of the earth, just like Christianity