
You know what switched me? Finally getting tired of clutter. I ran out of book shelf space long ago, I don't have a garage to put boxes of books, I don't like media towers. All physical media seems to take up too much space and is wasteful at this point.

It's rather fascinating when the technology we think we want, conflicts with the reality of what we would use.

I have been waiting for the new Iphone since March, when my other iphone was stolen.

I've been using this crappy old Android phone for months. Crashes and slow downs galore.

Getting an Iphone 5 sounds and switching it sounds tempting. Especially if I'll have to wait till the end of September to actually get the new

The reason I have been going with Pocket, is that it just looks prettier on my ipad. The way it organizes the images from the article, just make it an attractive looking app that works well.

I am assuming that if they go this far into protecting your iphone, if they are spending this much money and effort in this technology, that it will be for more reasons than just making it unlock faster. That it will actually provide a beneficial layer of protection.

Maybe I'm wrong.

The thing I find amusing about the Athena part..is that people forget that Greek/Roman mythology was utterly believed simultaneously as Christianity. Yet, we all heartily dismiss those characters as false and allegorical and totally take the other one literally and seriously.

I look back realize that I read this series as a kid, and read so much about sex, bondage, and mutilation.

At the end, he definitely started meandering.


It's a short. They have to be somewhat melodramatic. And the victim would 50% likely to be female. A full movie could allow a more varied pallet of death and make everyone happy.

I love the concept. Blossoming sentience in a robot, that kills out of a sense of scary sadness and loneliness, not because humans are evil

As someone who has had their iphone stolen, if it can deter thieves I welcome it.

Cities will always have more gun crimes, because there are more people in a small area, in areas with higher crime.

Yet, a large part of the reason there are more guns than otherwise...is because all the loose gun laws around cities and the abundance free flowing never ending amount of guns in the United States.

Everyone, I think these are just images of the photos on the website. You have to surf on over there to slide them.

I mean, they kind of remind me of the old Macbook. And they used to try colors every now and again in the past.

I don't think it's that big of a change. Although, I hate the easter colors.

I thought Diesel did a pretty good job.

If there's a way for this to be a major deterrent for would be thieves, I'm all for it. Something that can't just be overridden with a format.

From someone who had their phone stolen this year.

Especially since so many more apps are syncing, I don't know why you wouldn't stay with the iphone to go along with your mac and ipad.

Personally, I quit a couple years ago. Now, everything is so daunting and complex, I can't really fathom coming back. Trying to get back involved in guilds, trying to raid, trying to learn dungeons, especially if it's empty since everyone jumped past me, trying to figure out the new battlegrounds, and whatever point

I remember initially when I refused to switch over to an iPod. I self righteously didn't want to give in. When I did, I was happy for it. I suddenly could use any accessory, docks, cases, everything else.

It's the same thing with an iPhone at this point. If I want a phone where I don't have to worry about

This is exactly how I am. This game, has all the things in it I should love. The aesthetic, the powers, everything. But I just can't for some reason.

Is it really a choice? So many people just "randomly" choose a phone, and if they don't, they don't necessarily choose one for the skin, android OS number, screen resolution...it happens to be running. "I hear that HTC is a good phone...done!"

And it just ends up being a headache for developers. Rip off the useless