
Iphone 5 will get cheaper to make over time. Swap out a different battery, or different processor.

There also has to be cost savings, in continuing to buy some of the same internals, the same casings, without having to change anything in the manufacturing process.

End of an era? Remember when Farscape was cancelled and all we were left with were reality shows about chasing ghosts or something?

That was the end of an era. That was a dark dark time.

I have the opposite problem on Hulu. The tv streaming plays fine but for some reason the commercials will stop and start.

I assumed because they had a stream quality requirement on commercials, which was higher than the content.

I still don't understand...why make a new cheaper iphone line when they can do what they've been doing? Which is selling old iphone models for less.

I enjoyed Parnassus and while I agree he did what he had to do with Ledger's passing...but those parts totally took me out of the movie.

I feel like it would have been a much stronger movie without the random shapeshifting into different uber-famous celebrities.


If you're worried about NSA go read Greenwald or something.

I never understood why people have been taking off with this cheap iphone idea. Why would they ever do that if they can keep "selling" their old iphones for $99 or free? As they already do. They can sell those for cheaper out of contract if they wanted. Why would they need to create a whole new iphone when they

This is rather specific to big city dwellers...but Apple Maps could implement thousands of improvements, but until they add the names/trains for transit, I can't use it. Google maps did that ages ago.

Why would they risk eating into sales of the ipad mini?

I kind of went the opposite way, and started out doing more on manually, and gradually learned to actually appreciate auto.

I got tired of pulling out my camera for a shot, and either having to spend time adjusting ISO, aperture, shutter speed, then manually focusing, missing the minutiae of focus differences with my

Am I the only person in the world who has the worst luck with Chrome? Sites don't work correctly, logins don't work right (ex. Gawker sites), flash is wonky, it's always a mess for me. But everyone else is gung ho about it.

I thought Ted got better as it went on. I couldn't stand whiny, mopey, starry-eyed, love sick, Ted. At least when he stops caring about "finding the one" as much, he almost becomes likable (well, still my least liked character).

That is exactly my problem. He writes a book, about understanding of people of different religions and beliefs, excuses the death and torture of someone because of a misunderstanding of culture and belief...yet gets bent out of shape about same sex relationships.

Would anyone really use them? For me, I never download a "blog" app. I either go through Safari, bookmark, etc. Or go through Flipboard/Feedly/Pulse/some newsreader.

For me, I have a real camera, but I don't necessarily like hauling a big DSLR around all the time. And sometimes, taking casual candid shots with it, feels like overkill.

Me too, I have last generation's iPod nano for running. Speaking of which, I was disappointed that the new one got bigger and lost the clip. Old ipod nano with nike plus was perfect for runners.

I always say, people would like art more if they weren't so obsessed with defining "Art" and "getting it".

I did nearly the same thing. It started out being, me running with my girlfriend at the time, and getting into the practice. Eventually, I was like, why is she beating me?!

Then I started taking my outdoor running route that I took every day, and gradually adding another block to my daily route. Eventually, I looked

Brussels sprouts were an acquired taste too, AND I HAVE NO REGRETS.