
@Noyse: Yes, I always thought the humans looked the absolute worst. Never had a desire to play one.

To all the people saying it's for money, I don't think that's necessarily true for a couple of reasons:

@Printmatic: This is exactly I've been annoyed that now in addition to all their work in WoW, they announced two games! Please, just get one out the door before starting work on another.

After reading this post, I think the article should be " Four Reasons why Wii/DS Owners May Want to Wait For Band Hero". Not having a DS, made none of these reasons compelling.

@High Speed Indeed: But the N word was once commonly used and not seen as a racial slur for a while, as well as other words which were not considered offensive ("Negro" and "colored" are examples.), until the people it referred to decided they found the connotation and use of the word derogatory.

@grime: There have been enough discussion how there are reasons why white racial epitaphs don't "work". When you're the majority and not a marginalized/subset of society, there's no offense there.

After playing Oblivion, which I thought was good, it was so great to have something easy and enjoyable like Fable 2.

@High Speed Indeed: When you're saying, that's gay, you're indirectly referring to homosexuality, not happiness, and using it as an insult.

@amowls: In the post it talked about how when females became babysitters it, that it might be a "shift in our attitudes towards young women".

I recently used a similar service [weebly.com] to create a site that I'm happy with.

Number one isn't getting any love, but just saying that in regards to how they word it, I love imagining number 1 being the big daddy in Rapture's more peaceful times, and thems lowly amping it up.

After several reinstalls, I still can't even get the regular Spore to work correctly on my mac.

It's typical for me to be annoyed by whining on the internet, but still, this is annoying.

All I really want is more maps. It can't be that hard to do a map pack, I feel like gears of war 2 does one every other month. :P

If it doesn't take away anything from the single player and seems good on it's on merit, why complain?

@f3rg: Like most things, I'm sure that's just an adjustment period. You can figure it out!

Not that impressed.

@enchantedgoose: I find the opposite to be true. Whenever I ran chrome, it would slow down my whole computer and for a while wouldn't even be able to render google videos.

While I've had a Wii for a while, I had to go buy an xbox 360 this month.

Nintendo cannot account for every crazy person who flails like a mad man during gaming. Someone will always be able to overcome the safety procedures they've implemented.