
Amazon has had that xbox deal up for a while now,

This exact same thing happened to me last week. It must be going around.

It's simple and fast. Has some nice standard features.

@loopholezero: Speaking of things I don't want to read. Less whining please.

Here's my two cents for the naysayers.

@Boter: I disagree with you that gmail may be gone sometime. It has been around a lot longer than the old emails I used to use.

If Yahoo can offer unlimited storage, so can gmail. 6GB is a lot but still not even competitive. While they're at it they should drop this whole Premiere edition and just go ahead and focus on making the rumored gdrive/platypus a reality.

For fellow automobile-less people in city's with public transportation, Hopstop gives you buses/subway directions for: NYC, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Long Island, DC...

Another rather self-evident advice, do not send the angry drunk email.

Everytime I tried the generic cereals, I ended up throwing them away because of bad tastes and weird textures. Same thing when I tried generic peanut butter.

I just know that I feel so much better if I keep working out regularly. More energy, better attitude, more self confidence/esteem and yes a clearer head. Most of my friends just think weird for working out so much (3 times a week is much?). I just know how miserable I feel when I start slacking off for a while.

I guess while new books are just as expensive (if not more) than movies now days...you're not going to be able to get very many people to subscribe at 20 bucks a month. People are too use to getting cheap and free books. Maybe if they halved the price. MAYBE.

Does anyone remember a couple years ago when there were rumors about "gdrive"? [blogs.zdnet.com]