
I will never give up hope.

Yeah because the mcu would NEVER take a character's meaningful tragic death and crap all over it.

I actually don't mind the voice-over. Sure, they could do without it most of the time, but given how very much the book is In Claire's Head (especially in events that I expect will be in the next two - four episodes), I think they need to establish it as A Normal Thing in order to avoid jarring the audience when it

That's what people said about Star Wars in 1977. It looks "bad" to me, too. But I'm willing to trust the damn near universally positive, and not just positive but exuberantly giddy reviews I've read so far. I kinda think this is a movie that will make a lot more sense on the big screen than in trailer form.

David that story is very close to mine, I had the chance to work for Tony at his school in the 1990s, I also had all my walls covered in Gwynn memorabilia and wore 19 as many of us did. I posted this originally over at the UTSD Forums in the tribute there, but thought many of you would love this story as well. Its

You forgot to show off our new Tiger Trail that opens in a few weeks

Well this should be interesting...

Yes, most of the media I stream through Plex is in .mkv format. It works awesome, except for some rare instances where the aspect ratio is janky.

I just got mine from Amazon last night, and I spent probably 20 drunken minutes setting it up, and I already love it. I've been a HTPC / XBMC guy for years and while there are still some things that box can do that this can't, there's not much. I think the biggest plus is that when my wife wants to watch her Downton


This makes me the saddest. Wish there was a last episode.

Like I said from the very first episode: Skye. She has to go. Annoying. Out of place. Irrelevant to the plot.

I was expecting a show that matched the tone of the organization Shield. Not Agents of Glee. It's a kids show.

Nope. My problem is that I was expecting a show with the Whedon spark — you know, snappy dialogue, interesting but flawed characters, unique storylines — and instead I got cardboard cutout characters that don't interest me, soggy plots, and uninspired dialogue.

I loathe when show-runners make it our fault that their show sucks. It's our fault for not being patient, we're the problem, we just don't understand how special their show is, we don't recognise the potential, us us us - it's all our fault.

No, sorry darling, I watched your show because you were on it, I watched

Shamelessness, and a commitment thereunto.

If you did not have a big, goofy grin on your face by this point in the movie, you are officially dead inside.