
Oh, I hear what you're saying. Twelve years in the military on my end and there was enough red tape and bureaucratic nonsense to choke a donkey.

I've mentioned in a few responses here that I was an Engineer at Harris for the better part of a decade... there's enough misinformation floating around here that I thought I should provide a little insight as I worked on the an/prc 117G and the 152 (It's handheld predecessor)


Claymore can only be used once.
A radio can call in air strikes, artillery support and reinforcements/extraction. Nevermind that communications are crucial to keeping the Western militaries ahead of the rest of the world. (The reason why the US and her allies are successful boils down more to their training and

The AN/PRC-117G isn't that new of a radio. I've been using them at my unit for almost four years now. Don't let that think that it's a bad radio by any means though. It weighs about half as much as the 117F, runs for about the same amount of time on one battery compared to the 117F's two batteries. It's software

"For the longest time Sim City was trapped in its own little bubble. It was just about you and your own little city. So Maxis decides let's stretch this out and make it something bigger."

" If it wasn’t for EA none of the sim city’s after the very first would’ve existed. "

It's a movie about a man that can, at will, change his stature from half an inch to forty feet tall. What part of this was not already ridiculous?

My dad used to jog each morning in Mission Bay in San Diego with this guy who ran the same pace as him and arrived at pretty much the same time day after day. Over the years they got talking and he found out his name was "Ted." He drove a red Ferrari with a license plate that said "Dr." One day my dad asked him "what

That discussion is silly. I'm not even human.

What I got from this article: Just deal with it!