
I disagree.

The N64, yeah that was an uncomfortable controller, but I really enjoy the SNES style. Got my hands on these at E3 and liked them quite a bit.

I’ll say this: I find using the current Nintendo Switch joycon layout FAR less comfortable than these. The buttons immediately above/below the joysticks really

I miss when Gizmodo articles at least had to pretend to be about gadgets...

Sounds like Penn & Teller’s Bullshit, except that one didn’t pretend to want to change the mind of the people it’s making fun of.

Google Docs is no replacement for word. It has, maybe 5% of the feature set (which admittedly covers about 70% of what I need, but that’s still short).

You listed a number of replacements for NOTEPAD. There is only one legitimate replacement for Word, and open office sucks even harder than word does.

I’m mad at the airline for having a policy that requires paying customers to give up what they paid for. Overbooking is a terrible anti-consumer policy and it needs to end.

Because he DID profit off of the games. Both directly in a lump sum at the start, and indirectly through increased sales of his book.

He screwed himself out of MORE money, but he definitely profited off the deal.

Not as bad as my Best Buy preorder. I paid for early shipment. It was supposed to ship out Wednesday to get here today. It ACTUALLY shipped today and I’ll get it 3/6

It makes sense, it’s just not funny. He’s saying that the place is so riddled with disease that the viruses literally hold the place together.

Just like the bridge is so riddled with termites that it stopped being a bridge and is just termites all the way down.

This has to stop.

Ugh, I just replaced my samsung washing machine about 2 months ago. The barrel mounts detached from the chassis and wouldn’t finish a load no matter how small without giving unbalanced errors. This is after we had it repaired for a faulty pump.

Yeah, let’s dress them up a flesh eating zombie instead.

Why exactly, is he a douchebag? Because he bankrolled a lawsuit against Gawker?

Hey guys! I heard they’re remaking Jackie Brown... except there’s an Awesome Twist! Instead of Pam Grier they’re casting a white man!

The term is “Rabbit Ears”. When your own movie feels the need to create a scene just to make fun of people who don’t like it then it’s starting to become oversensitive and flat out defensive. Movies shouldn’t need scenes where they justify their existence to the audience.

Of course they could have just made a Ghost

This is one of those things that really break MMORPGs in my opinion. I don’t have a good solution, but the formula of “Story based dungeon.... that you can play over and over and over again” takes a LOT of the RP out of RPG.

It makes it such that the story of the dungeon MUST be completely self contained. No events

Honestly, I don’t see how the movies CAN acknowledge the show anymore. Not without yielding an insane amount of creative control over the MCU to the TV series.

When SHIELD started, it was pitched as ‘spy vs spy: what is it like for the humans on the ground in this crazy world of superheroes’. We were going to get the

But is Star Wars the place? It’s pretty empty of examples of straight characters being themselves either. Over the course of 7 movies exactly 2 couples fell in love, and the product of that love is at the heart of the plot.

I’d argue that children are more important to Star Wars than actual sexuality. The only truly

But only EVER an issue when it is at the deep central core of the plot. Children are more important to star wars than actual sexuality. And even then nothing is truly explicit. Leia could be bi for all we know. All we know is she loved Han for a time, and Padme loved Anikan. There are zero other romantic relationships

“set this spooky 18th century story in the-day”

“Maybe, maybe, this is cheaper than getting a babysitter and going out.”