Dave Algonquin (WWTD?)


Bakersfield players will try desperately to avoid any penalties, because they're fearful of having to watch the play from inside the box.


Do you have any suggestions for good places to purchase a wedding dress in the Bristol, CT area?

Richie's wasn't planning on giving anything other than a half-hearted apology anyway.

I begrudgingly have to agree with Billy here. John Farrell made some horrible managerial decisions out there. You didn't see Bobby Valentine making those types of blunders in the World Series this year.

I initially read number 36 as "a fistful of coke" and wondered if you'd grown up in Rob Ford's neighborhood.

Greg Oden - C, Miami Heat

High comedy.

I never in a million years thought I'd get a response to my letter, but this proves that it's always worth it to at least take a shot.

Security: Sir, we're going to need you to come with us.

Other quotes at the Browns facility of questionable veracity:

This is a change for Rajon, typically he's only that cold at the charity stripe.

If the Maple Leafs really think they're going to need any space for Stanley Cup banners, they're livin' on a prayer.

I wanted to mess around with six degrees, but I kept getting redirected to a page to update George O'Leary's resume.

[stares at third photo Smith tweeted]

[stares at third photo Smith tweeted]


"I hate the guy. He thought he was God."