Aaron: Seriously, babe, can't you just finishing writing these vows for me?
Officer: I already read you your rights, so remember that you are under no obligation to answer any of my questions. Did you try to kidnap those kids?
Pulling up to a red light on Shawmut Avenue, getting ready to turn left onto Herald Street, an SUV suddenly pulled up next to them.
I see absolutely no problem with that.
It's a requirement that I +1 this.
Reporter: What sort of relationship do you two have? I mean, this is a pretty low thing to do...
"Anyone who might recognize this champion runner is asked to help him get back home."
Armstrong's career was already dead, so of course Crow comes along to pick at the remains.
Damn. +1
That's one of the best impressions of Sidney Crosby you'll ever see.
The Olympic flame keeps getting extinguished, like those being forced to build its infrastructure.
Rick’s Cabaret Girl Alexandra discussed the Giants/Eagles game. “There’s like a hundred sexy topless girls here and everyone was exceedingly happy until it became clear during the second half that Eli Manning and the Giants were going to lose again.”