Dave Algonquin (WWTD?)

Nicely done.


Shouldn’t this show be called No Leftovers?

In New England a “curt goodbye” usually involves handing someone a printout of the latest Facebook memes at the conclusion of a conversation.

Pedro is apparently very upset that he gave that remark and wishes he could just take it back.

Police: Any idea who shot you?


You know who else tried to write off the bears? Timothy Treadwell. I’m pretty sure he regrets that decision.

Have you considered re-branding “The Concourse” as “Gawker 2.0" or “The Website Formerly Known as Gawker”?

He is in no condition to be lifting weights. [pause] Shit.

Bengals players are notorious for having things fall off of trucks. Whether it’s Andy Dalton’s luggage or Chris Henry’s body.



When Donald Trump said that Megyn Kelly had “blood coming out of her wherever,” it seems pretty clear that he meant her ears after being forced to listen to that song.

“Nope. We didn’t see nothing.”

Is it a bit dusty in here?

You guys hiring?

Go fuck yourselves.

“After we realized what we’d done, we were all pretty red in the face. Shit. Embarrassed. We were embarrassed. Please don’t print that. I beg you.”

“Oh great. She already had one, but this is going to give Zyla an even bigger head.”