Dave Algonquin (WWTD?)


I'll always remember him as the greatest slap hitter since Chris Brown.

@donovanjmcnabb Question of the Day: Did Ichiro get his 4,000 hit last night? Yes or no?

Arapahoe County Penitentiary: "More bars in more places."

I enjoy this so very much. +1


Rupert: Cleatus! So good to put a face to the name...

If you're going to take a Fastball to the dick, at least these players are doing it The(ir) Way.

From: skipper@espn.com


This is huge news.

This was incredibly well written, Wayne, but I feel like it's missing something. I'd suggest shoehorning some lazy pop culture references and footnotes into your piece.

S/O to Hannah Storm...And her grill!!! #hartfordlife

Agreed. This is fantastic.


Oh, c'mon! It's not that bad.

Wait a gosh darn second. You can do that?!

How's your mother, by the way?

[individual crying after no contact]
