Dave Algonquin (WWTD?)

When Bryant McKinnie played for the Vikings, "cooking the books" used to be a last ditch resort if there was no food left in the team buffet and he demanded more sustenance.

Riley: [points over shoulder] It's over there.

Wow! He's almost wrist deep in it!

Just like Eddie Griffin, Michael Beasley's NBA career seems likely to go up in smoke.


They added the charge about soliciting an officer because she repeatedly said, "I'm so wet right now," to everyone at the precinct.

Well, Today Show producers have been making a push for shorter segments.

This is what she gets for attempting to stop and ask for directions.


Fantastic. +1


“I guess I’m learning what’s really important” he whispered. “You are,” said Bobby “so don’t forget what God teaches you.”


Yup, these are my readers.

Arresting Officer: Mr. Ehlo, have you ever been involved in a beating before?

When one door closes, another one opens (if you're German).

One misplaced T and his dreams of a championship were shattered, just like Chris Webber.



Her overhand service technique is flawless.