Cons: Known for throwing temper tantrums, selfish, doesn't get along well with others, hates to not be the center of attention.
Cons: Known for throwing temper tantrums, selfish, doesn't get along well with others, hates to not be the center of attention.
What a coincidence, Lane Kiffin just did too.
Wait a second. SlowTwitch isn't part of a viral marketing campaign by NBC for The Michael J. Fox Show?
The Decade in Wasted NBA Draft Picks
Run, but don't race, to your nearest Charlotte Hornets Pro Shop to get your authentic Bobby Phills' throwback!
So good. +1
In light of recent events, the Denver Police Department is adding "ability to successfully complete a Mile High Salute" to their field sobriety test.
Throwing around the word "cocksucker" about members of the Mets organization has been going on for years. Although, usually, it's directed at a certain famous catcher...
John Stearns was a real asshole.
I'm surprised this has taken people so long to piece together. Back in 2004, when an FHM interviewer presented her with a Fuck, Marry, Kill scenario, she said "The entire Mets organization, Kris, and Michael Evans."
Antonio Cromartie: NFL Conception Expert
They might have gotten away with it if, instead of a mail order service, they'd just used the local Plain Dealer.
There haven't been that many tears shed on Fox & Friends since November 7.
Of course the questions are "loaded", they're trying to illustrate their Native American pride.
Pictured (right to left): the best thing to come out of Canada, the worst thing to come out of Canada
Unfortunately for Danny Tartabull, he used his "Get Out Of Jail Free" card when the Yankees traded him to the A's.