Dave Algonquin (WWTD?)

I'm not an expert but it appears that, like Stephen Hawking, he'll get off on a technicality.

What's with all the questions?


Just when it seemed things couldn't get worse for Lance Armstrong, now he'll have to watch LA Galaxy games from the comfort of his own hotel room.

It was either that or take a "Rules of Baseball" quiz. He chose the easier option.

♫ Once I worshiped you (I worshiped)

If you wanted a photograph of a truly terrified Rex Ryan, just see how he looks when Mark Sanchez drops back to pass.

Matt Russell should be very worried about his job security, because the Broncos have a history of cutting ties with people who can't capably complete drives. That's why Tim Tebow wound up on the Jets.

Don't Look Now, But John Lackey Is Good Again


So LeBron James isn't the biggest ball hog in the NBA.

Oh, the Bases You'll Overthrow!

From: fredsmoot69@yahoo.com


They'll be following up with "Best Cities for Hoes" next week, but they wanted to get this story out first, because everyone knows it's "bros before hoes".

Many are wondering why Professor Pleasants was unwilling to make the drive to the courthouse. It's clear they've forgotten that what should be a 15-minute drive can take up to 4-hours in Florida.

Reporter: Homer was very efficient out there tonight. Only took him one-hundred and nine pitches.

That woman was a saint, goddammit! +1


There was some confusion as to whether Tebow was actually present at the bar during the altercation or just there in Spirit.