Interior - Hotel Room
Interior - Hotel Room
Andre Rison is hosting the exact same event in Atlanta except that he's mandated, despite the its popularity, "Burning Down the House" not be played.
A motivated Kobe Bryant can be a frightening thing.
When he's really excited about getting something, he doesn't take "No" for an answer.
If Hernandez were a true believer in the "Patriot Way", he would've used a musket when he killed Odin Lloyd.
There was some confusion as to how a celebration of the "right to bear arms" not involve Robin Williams.
He may not be on steroids, but he did almost let it slip about his nitrous oxide habit.
Dolan: We need to get the Italian on this team. Our fans will go fucking bananas.
When playing soccer in Russia, they only use Adidas (All Day I Decapitate Any Streetperson) equipment.
Bobcats Underling: Mr. Jordan, I have the commissioner on the phone, you have to make a pick.
The Aaron Hernandez story is most definitely a Mount Rushmore candidate for my NewsRadio Theory. Hear me out. Both stories involve beloved franchises (Patriots and the NBC comedy zenith of the late '90s). Both had tons of potential (Hernandez's breakout game in Week 2 of 2010, NewsRadio's "Bitch Session" episode of…
So the old saying is right: "You can't fight city hall, but you can buy it."
Jersey Dude: There was a misprint on my customized Giants jersey. It says, vegan! Who in their right mind would get vegan printed on a jersey?!
+1 year
Dick was using dial-up when he sent that tweet, which is why it took over 35 years to show-up on his timeline.
You are an embarrassment to the great town of Lexington.