Dave Algonquin (WWTD?)

Delivery Guy: [sweating profusely] Okay, man. Keep your shit together. Just knock on the door, sing the delivery song, hand over the arrangement and get the fuck outta there. [rings doorbell] Shit! [door swings open] Da da dada da da! I, am, your Edible Arrangement delivery guy.

LeBron: [screaming] Mom. MOM! We didn't want any toppings on this and you ordered pepperoni. MOM?!

D-Wade: Bron, I saw Gloria go into the john with Delonte about fifteen minutes ago.

LeBron: Not again.


Ah, yes, the old bait-and-switch.

These are the kind of motivational methods that will ultimately lead to him becoming Reebok's next office safety.

Well not full-blind support, more like half-blind support. Alexander Bradley is still a Patriots fan, after all.

Boxers or briefs?

Nice. Was working on a similar one. +1

She initially planned to shout it from the rooftops, but those plans were quickly scrapped when she found out the roofs were 10 feet high.

+1 more game

Most Likely To Laugh At His Own Jokes

Why you gotta do me like that, OJ? RT @TheJuice Do anybody wants him seriously he needs to be gone by tomorrow

Odin Floyd, a semi-pro football player


[stares at picture]

He's got a lot in common with the Sabres. Neither one of them have ever gone all the way.

I haven't seen an athlete go through glass that quickly since I spent an afternoon with Nicole Bobek.

I know there was a bear in his vicinity and fear of imminent death probably impacted his thinking, but that's still no excuse for such shoddy camerawork. When will people learn to flip the camera horizontally when taking video?!

That's a pretty egregious misspellling.

What a waste of $100. Everyone knows a homeless person will just spend that on booze or crack. He'd have been better off donating the money to Rob Ford's re-election campaign.