Dave Algonquin (WWTD?)


A TastyKake.

I think we can shut this thread down now. +1


Here at Kinglandia the other columnists will write about football, so Peter doesn't have to!

If you can't stay conscious to the end of the second period, you deserve whatever you get.

Let's do this line by line



I want to spread a message of peace and love throughout the world.

[double post]

[beards become erect]

That's actually the application form to be a White House intern during the Clinton administration.

The Seahawks' window is wide open.

Brilliant. +1

Writer: So here's the pitch. A plucky underdog soccer team has dealt with a ton of challenges, but none as big as this. Their field [pause] is covered [dramatic pause] in WATER.

Well I guess this Akron player...

proves that "cornball brother" still has legs

Just a gift to show we care, because we know the groom doesn't.
