Dave Algonquin (WWTD?)

Join the club. MT @BroncoSports We couldn't do shit....

How much would you pay to see a photo of Ryan Lochte's alleged penis?

Sadly I can't be of any help here, gents. I donated all my money to the Cockstarter pledge page for Chaz Bono.

It's still a dramatically smaller and feebler human being than you, no matter how annoying it is.

(Market value: $353,000)

Exemplary work, Sean.

Yes! +1

These little anecdotes are one of my favorite parts of DUAN. +1

As part of his well-deserved sentence, Todd will be required to hand over his most prized possession to the authorities: a "World's Greatest Dad" coffee mug.

[cracking up]



Unidentified Man Bursts into Booth: Who throws a shoe? Honestly! You fight like a woman! [begins laughing uncontrollably at own joke]

I missed this earlier, but it's a work of art. +1

Surrounded By Assholes



Not sure this is a wise idea by the NFL. After all, it's synthetic laces that got Tyrann Mathieu into trouble.

