Dave Algonquin (WWTD?)


The Rock showing up was kind of awesome. I'll consider it part of his penance for his involvement in Tooth Fairy and The Game Plan.



Always good to do a fridge clear out now and then.

[raises hand]

with enough little quirks that the novelty will attract a few viewers

Paterno: [puts on broken glasses] What's all that commotion at State? [takes off glasses, squints] Oh, they're taking down my statue. What a load of baloney! After all that good I did. Well, at least it's a nice day here. Things are certainly looking up!


ESPY coverage wasn't overboard


After seeing this truck the other day, my question is does he Live to Rape or Love to Rape?

if each of those people also wrote a $4,000 check to MSG

That was needed.

Flip the statue upside down and use a sand box as the new foundation. That way Joe's head can be buried in sand for all of time.

"It just kept coming after me," said Vanessa Perhach, 42, of Pentagon City. "You never knew where it was going to bite next."

Everyone: Christ, not again.

Miami Politician: So when all is said and done, you'll have thrown in about five hundred million and change for a brand spanking new ballpark!

We reached the Chairman of the Board for a comment on the situation, but it didn't quite go as planned: "I was a pitcher for the Yankees. Why are you asking me to talk about the Penn State scandal?" [hangs up]

- Frequently parked in the only on-campus handicapped space, despite having a designated spot right outside his office.