Officer 1 [into walkie-talkie]: Patrolled zone one, no suspicious activity. Over.
Officer 1 [into walkie-talkie]: Patrolled zone one, no suspicious activity. Over.
This is hilarious. +1
@rodroddyTV A lot of stuff gets swept under the rug at game show's don't get why barker's beauties had to tell the media we got a host harassing 'em
These notes look bad, but they would've looked worse had Paterno followed through on his plan to write them using a red Crayola crayon.
That game was just a tad shorter than the first set Federer played against Djokovic.
Pictured: Frick and Frack
jumped on Peterson's back from behind and tried to take him down. (Key word: "tried.")
In the 1950s and 60s there was a limited edition "Yankees For Her" perfume. It just smelled suspiciously like alcohol, regret and Mickey Mantle.
For those looking for a discussion on Meth and Commenting, please visit a chat room dedicated to my favorite figure skater:
+1 terrible mental image
Yerrrr Out-Out-Out-Out!
It seems that he can't get his footing on the grass. After all the wear and tear it's gotten over the course of the tournament at this point there isn't a lot of traction.