This match is really, really heating up. It was, obviously, extremely important for Djokovic to avoid that break. It still seems like Fed has the upper hand right now. Although as is the case with any Djokovic match, that can turn on a dime.
This match is really, really heating up. It was, obviously, extremely important for Djokovic to avoid that break. It still seems like Fed has the upper hand right now. Although as is the case with any Djokovic match, that can turn on a dime.
[head explodes]
The pharmaceutics industry calls them Plan B, but for Bret Michaels' groupies they're simply known as Poison pills.
I second what IronMikeGallego said.
I quite enjoyed this.
Just because you're the mayor of Lincolnshire, doesn't mean you can carry yourself like the cock of the walk.
It's nice being able to see the comments the way that G.O.D (Generator of Discussions) intended.
(Who May Have Been A 14-Year-Old Girl)
Totally agree.
Nice choice on the Glenmorangie Original. For a relatively cheaper scotch, it certainly does the trick. Since it's on the lighter side, and has the slight hint of vanilla, it always works well as a "warm weather" drink.
Reporter: Any changes to the Cowboys defensive strategy this year?
This sort of headline merely serves to feed the stereotype that Germans are just a bunch of sour Krauts.
Rick Reilly's jokes are staler than the bread they serve at soup kitchens.
Similarly, the Food Network was forced to make an announcement denouncing the pig noises aimed at Batali.