
Gee; I thought Chicago had some tough gun ownership restrictions. Who'da thunk something like this would happen there?

If you were shooting for classic cheesy mid-'80's Car & Driver prose in your article, I think you nailed it.

Bah; Liz is a piker compared to Paul Moller. He's kept up his fraud for 40 years.

So THAT's where the e28 Tourings came from. Nice.

Wait... $700k for 18 Hyundais? That's almost $40k each; when did that happen with cheap-ass Korean tin cans?

An '80's Dodge in Michigan? Good lordy, I can hear it rusting from here!

I guess that's one way to knock some time off a lap; straighten out some of those curves by going offroad. :rolls_eyes:

Am I the only one who is deathly afraid of white seats? Never in a gazillion years...

Great; now we all know, and we're all screwed. Thanks. 

Does the M8 not qualify as a supercar? Or not, because there's only one? 

I would agree, but the problem is that the e28 was introduced in '82. At least in the States; Euro versions might have been a little earlier. The e12 (in M535i trim) was a great car though as well.

BMW e12 M535i. 

Ooh, look! Shiny new website! 

Am I ruining Top Gear? I resent the accusation. Not once have I "filmed, photographed or noted and then exposed on Twitbook and FaceTube." (/sarcasm)

Somebody's gonna die? Really? Calm down, honey; it's a car, not your firstborn.

Allow me to be the first to say... HUYABUSA!

What Camry? I don't see anything...

100? Really? Was it too difficult to whittle the list down to a manageable 10? Or maybe 17, just to be different?

Remember this horror? As if the paint job weren't bad enough, the seller had to include his portly SO to the mix.

Biggest annoyance around here is red light runners. People know that there's a slight delay between when a light turns red and the cross traffic signal turns green, and they try to squeeze through. Grrr.