Gee; I thought Chicago had some tough gun ownership restrictions. Who'da thunk something like this would happen there?
Gee; I thought Chicago had some tough gun ownership restrictions. Who'da thunk something like this would happen there?
If you were shooting for classic cheesy mid-'80's Car & Driver prose in your article, I think you nailed it.
Wait... $700k for 18 Hyundais? That's almost $40k each; when did that happen with cheap-ass Korean tin cans?
An '80's Dodge in Michigan? Good lordy, I can hear it rusting from here!
I guess that's one way to knock some time off a lap; straighten out some of those curves by going offroad. :rolls_eyes:
Am I the only one who is deathly afraid of white seats? Never in a gazillion years...
Great; now we all know, and we're all screwed. Thanks.
Does the M8 not qualify as a supercar? Or not, because there's only one?
I would agree, but the problem is that the e28 was introduced in '82. At least in the States; Euro versions might have been a little earlier. The e12 (in M535i trim) was a great car though as well.
BMW e12 M535i.
Ooh, look! Shiny new website!
Am I ruining Top Gear? I resent the accusation. Not once have I "filmed, photographed or noted and then exposed on Twitbook and FaceTube." (/sarcasm)
Somebody's gonna die? Really? Calm down, honey; it's a car, not your firstborn.
Allow me to be the first to say... HUYABUSA!
What Camry? I don't see anything...
100? Really? Was it too difficult to whittle the list down to a manageable 10? Or maybe 17, just to be different?
Biggest annoyance around here is red light runners. People know that there's a slight delay between when a light turns red and the cross traffic signal turns green, and they try to squeeze through. Grrr.