
@Type R: Nice. And what do you drive? Let me lump you in with the jerks that drive them.

@PotbellyJoe...: That'd be Bronzit; aka BMW's stealth color.

She's griping because the only thing it lacks is a pair of roundels.

@cesariojpn: That's pretty awesome! The biggest problem with snowplows is that they leave a semi-permanent wake of snow on either side of their path, just waiting for snow to drift back in. The big rotary's can't be used everywhere — it'd be a nightmare in an urban area — but out in open areas they're far better than

@MustangChris429: That's a great bit of video! Thanks for linking it!

Awesome. Must be something about those flat-billed caps that drains brain cells out of these kids.

In the days before "all season" tires, people actually took the time to put snows on when winter rolled around, and had chains for the times the roads would get crappy. "All season" tires aren't.

We had snow yesterday, and the roads are pure crap today, yet I saw some bozo driving a Porsche Carrera 4 in it today. The only penalty befitting such an egregious crime is that he turn over the keys and title to me immediately. I'll take much better care of the car; honest.

I love how they bleep out the Russian cuss words. And the guy with the finger to the head; universal sign for "whack job".

@Elhigh: Well said. These guys need to watch Toy Story; cars are meant to be driven like toys are meant to be played with. But another part of me says put it under glass & leave it there. Situations like this make me feel so conflicted...

The crappy little speakers on most computers just don't do this car justice; there's an entire lower register that's missing. You usually feel it in your chest. It's a beautiful thing.

I had never seen 'Ring pricing before; would've expected it to be much higher.

@f1fan65: BRAKES stop cars. BREAKS do not. That is all. Bye.

Can't make it up that icy slope? Yeah, just give 'er moar gas! That oughta work!

@Happyjpk: You are my new hero. Take good care of that old girl, and dress her up nice.

@472CID: That was the '80's for you.

I've wanted for a long time to travel Route 66, but haven't had the opportunity. Yet. Last year though we bumped into a little piece of it while driving through Cave City, KY. There is a Wigwam Village Inn Hotel there, just like the one on Route 66.

But seriously folks, I've got a one good sleepy driver story (out of many) I'll share. Years ago after a Saturday Air Guard drill, I had several too many whiskey-whiskeys (like a whiskey-coke, but without the coke) at the NCO club at the base, then stole my keys back from the guy who was trying to rescue me from