
@arozzi 수동차 마시고 싶어: Seriously? Never been stuck in a checkout line behind some bozo/bimbo who feels the need to share her life with everyone else in line. I think situations like that are what God made the Yard-O-Beef for.

Noooo!!! There was a time I visited Jalopnik multiple times a day. Then Murilee went to Weekend Warrior status and my visits dwindled to once or twice a week. Now... Might as well shut 'er down boys. sigh.

I remember my dad washing out the interior of his '73 Chevy with a hose. That's the way trucks should be built, at least the ones that earn their keep.

Hilarious. Some might argue that it's the fault of the ad agency who put it together, but somebody at the school district office had to have signed off on it. :rolls_eyes:

@whitehatspecial: Years ago a buddy of mine drove a BRAT. He had the windows tinted, & had them put the name in a band of tint across the top of the windshield, but the 'R' came out looking very much like the 'A', so we gave him crap by calling it a "BAAT".

I'm thinking of a BMW e28 Touring... Does it count if the only examples are coach-built? This is the only image I could track down, and it's one that was for sale on ebay.de, but I know that at least one has been spotted in the wild in the US. I just haven't seen it myself.

@Hobie-wan: Didn't those things all turn to rust away about ten years ago?

If I had a ratty old C4 to play with, it would get the GTM Supercar treatment instead of the Harbor Freight Tools treatment.

Oh, that Blaine is a tricky one! He'll surely go far. (cue rolling of eyes...)

@Cato: Dude, I've probably owned more cars than you've driven. I just sketched the pattern I prefer, which is typical of many German-built cars. Thanks for pointing out the obvious though. I'm sure someone found it helpful.

Should be:

@BoomhauerTX: That, combined with the other comments (didn't know I'd stir things up that much!) and what I've read since shooting from the hip with my comment three days ago, I'll believe. But Moore's mockumentaries are nothing I would put any stock into.

@BoomhauerTX: I call BS on that story. Any 'film' with Michael Moore's name on it has about as much credibility as a bag of crap.

Oh how do I hate this guy... Let me count the ways...

@Ferndown: Yes, you got that right! I was in the Air Force when I was in England, and had to drive base trucks around a lot; driving a LHD Chevy pickup around in RHD country is very nearly suicide. And then the adjustment when you come back stateside...

Dude can't even facepalm properly.

Here's a twist... How many people have driven a RHD car with a manual? (Brits, Ausies and residents of Japan don't count!)

@jdepould: My kids all learned on manuals, and I think they're better, more aware drivers as a result.