I... I can’t tell what I’m supposed to be seeing in this box
I... I can’t tell what I’m supposed to be seeing in this box
Actually, I’m kind of stunned that Nintendo took THIS long to fire her. Kotaku conveniently left out that Allison Rapp, who worked on Nintendo’s MARKETING team, had very radical ideas regarding underage sex and child molesters and child porn. No, I’m not talking about her essay mentioned on this article, but multiple…
He did make a good point later on about Cooper being glue.
Yes, Trump, juries destroy men’s lives, rather than the men who made bad decisions themselves.
Haha, it does speak to something about the game, though. The Division certainly has a weird balance between its identity as an MMO-multiplyaer and as a solo outing. Like, when I’m going through story missions solo I’m like “Man, this is totally designed for teams.” But then they don’t want to make solo players feel…
Oh! Credit to Earthbound, then. I’m learning new things about RPGs every day. I guess I’ll download that game to my 3DS. No excuses.
Yeah, I wish more games had adopted Earthbound’s system of instant victory, or weak enemies running away in fear.
Namco Bandai set out to create the world’s strongest Pokémon... and they succeeded.
I’m not one of the hardcore veteran Mario players, and had this not been pointed out to me, I wouldn’t have ever noticed. I had to watch the slow-motion replay at least 4 times before I saw a variation in hit-box detection... and now that I can see it, I understand what a significant different that smaller hit-box…
Depends on how time travel in the CC/CT multiverse works ;) Though, it would be more of a Genso Suikoden: Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki style thing. (blame wiki for the font choice there). Where different heroes and versions of heroes could be recruited from the multiple possible timelines that happen concurrently.…
Cool! Reminds me of Super Paper Mario.
I like surprises, but I wasn’t really a big fan of the furry surprise from Twilight Princess, so...well, I don’t know what I want :(
That is bothersome news. They’re probably expecting bad reviews, and so try to get as many purchases as they can before the shit hits the fan.
Reminds me of when I noticed the original title for Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds shortened to FTW.
The fact that weapons aren’t properly balanced, and some “later” game weapons ranked C/B/A are worse than the E/D counterparts, does piss me off.
Yea, I understand what you mean. It’s subtle, but you just know that it’s missing.
I mean if anythig this picture sums up the game nicely.
People who own the Vita, love the Vita. The memory cards killed it but the Jap games like Danganropa and the indies make it a special machine. I believe theres no better place to play spelunky and formally Issac (until it didn’t get the DLC). The D-Pad is one of the best ever made and its a tragedy they didn’t use the…