
No, no, they will not. I was reading and article where someone brought up Trump still seems to be tweeting with his personal phone. And they questioned if that was safe? It might of touched a nerve because most of the comments were all basically about Hillary’s emails. STILL WITH THE DAMN EMAILS.

Wait, so minority women do our part (like we’ve ALWAYS done) and it’s still get back to work. How about white America gets to work on themselves? How about you so-called progressive white Jezzies stop coddling your Trump supporting relatives and loved ones and express your disgust?

That’s what I tell folks: If Hillary had a hit squad, Weiner would have been iced by now.

Sorry, but I’m with Bill Maher: Fuck that false-equivalency, “lesser of two evils” bullshit.

One guy is a serial sexual assaulter, liar, and racist. But Hillary sent some emails incorrectly.

Is it mid-life when you’re 60-something?

I enjoyed the revival I enjoyed this trailer.


i really loved that story.. why the fuck was her boyfriend so nonchalant about it?? i need more details

Yeah, but it isn’t “Give us your best works of short fiction.”

Yeah, you have to suspend disbelief with a lot of these, but that one was painfully, obviously fake. It didn’t even have internal consistency.

It’s not real though :( OP admitted it in subsequent comments. I feel cheated.

The creepiest thing that ever happened to me happened in Scotland. Having Scottish ancestry and also greatly interested in Scottish history, was very interested in the Jacobite uprising that was eventually crushed at Culloden. As an undergrad, I found an opportunity to study in Ediburgh, Scotland, and getting up to

My cousin accidentally drank a roofied beverage that was intended for someone else. At the time he was a 24 y/o, 6'1",well-muscled guy. The drink put him into the hospital for 3 days.

It truly is disturbing to me that I’ve buried so much abuse deep in my synapses.

I suppose it’s possible he was blacked out and doesn’t remember doing that but I sure do, in fact it’s the first thing I think of whenever I see his name. Also I am surely not the only one.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this. I never thought of myself as a victim of sexual assault, I never think of myself as a victim at all. But reading all of these accounts, and remembering an unwanted touch, or unwanted kiss, that I definitely just wrote off as part of live as a women...what the fuck is wrong with out

My husband had to remind me of my own experience the other day. I told him I felt so lucky to have never been assaulted, and he said “I remember a time you shoved a guy into a window for grabbing you.” Getting groped is so fucking normalized that I just filed it away as what it’s like for women in the world.

OMG, this! YES! I had the exact same thought. I’m 36 and was talking to my husband about the election, about this very issue, and about the differences in experience between men and women, and as we’re talking I start to realize that my husband doesn’t understand my experience at all. And not only does he not

Yes, this, definitely. Sexual assault and harassment are so prevalent from such a young age, and are treated by those with power as such a minor thing, that we all kind of.... get used to it. We start thinking of being harassed, intimidated, assaulted as just routine annoyances in our life. We get used to having to

I’ve been having the same realizations. In the past I’ve typically been able to brush accounts of groping or unwanted kissing, even leering as “boys will be boys” type behavior, but then as I recounted my own experiences and recalled feeling so skeeved out and violated, I came to accept that yes, I too have been