
I appreciate this comment - for years I beat myself up for my lame reaction to sexual assaults like having my crotch and hips grabbed (coworker, both times). I froze and either never did anything about it or was told to forget it and didn’t try to seek help elsewhere. Now I wish I had just taken a swing. But I didn’t

I’m with you too.

Fuck, I hope you’re right. I need America to restore my Anne Frank-like belief that people really are good at heart, because 2016 has been a rough one.

I walked down the graduation aisle with this absolutely beautiful boy I had known since junior high named Jimmy. During graduation practice, he told me that some girls at school found out he was an exotic dancer and ever since had been grabbing his ass and groping at his dick whenever they passed him in the crowded

It’s so hard, too, when you do tell people about these things, and they literally will laugh it off, deem it funny, refuse to see it as any sort of assault or violation.

This is so sad, I have gone through the exact same thought process myself. I am 30 years old and have been working in the entertainment industry for a solid decade (studios, agencies, law firms, production). I am realizing now how important it is for women to start speaking up and sharing our stories. Which at this

I agree 100%. I know I have been the victim of one specific form of sexual assault by one person, but if someone asked, off the top of my head that’s all I would say and if I stop and think there have been SO many. From being pressed up against by a guy with an erection on many occasions to full on attempted coercive

I used to try to laugh off the fact that I got roofied on my 20th birthday because “nothing ended up happening to me” (my friends carried me home). But honestly, fuck that. Fuck that guy who was planning on hurting me, and fuck the Trump-like attitudes that made me feel like I needed to minimize it because maybe it

Yes! This! I have been coming to terms with the same revelations.

I actually had tears in my eyes listening to a woman on MSNBC (whose name unfortunately I can’t remember) as these stories were breaking talk about Crooks’ boyfriend saying he didn’t think it was the physical intrusion that upset Crooks so much as it was the feeling of powerlessness...that she couldn’t say or do

Don’t expect The Daily Mail to know know what journalism or fact checking is. They’re the ones who published a ‘here’s how much worse off you’ll be’ 2 days AFTER the Brexit vote for all their racist, xenophobic halfwit readers. (Yip, still bitter!)

It does, quite a bit! Mix with water (about a 25% vinegar to water ratio) and put it in a spray bottle...Mist it on, and it works wonders! Only disadvantage is that it needs repeating every three or four hours, and makes you smell like pickles.

I felt that way more about Callie this season actually. Just so selfish, such a stereotype of oh, I need to run after this person I just met, and I’ll figure out how my child fits in second. Meredith has been hit or miss, and overall the arc of her realizing that this person who annoys her so much is actually very

Anyone else finding Meredith utterly unbearable this season? Like every time she opens her pissy mouth, you just want to smack her? Just me? I almost gave up but I stayed for April and the baby. I might finally be done now.

Friends explained the apartment issue in the very first season. Monica was (illegally) living in her grandmothers apartment who still was on rent control, hence why she could afford it. Joey and Chandler were roommates although Chandler could pretty much afford the place on his own. Ross could afford his apartment.

Love Love Love your advice! I just needed to hear this - “I am paid to do my work and not be friends with everyone!”...

Love Love Love your advice Darling! I just needed to hear this - “I am paid to do my work and not be friends with everyone!”...

It was that or the beard brush...

Happened to me once - nor’easter that got me stuck in a layover airport (Pittsburgh) for 3 days with no spare clothes. Never ever travel without a spare pair of undies stashed in your carryon.