
When my son was threatening suicide by jumping, the cops came in full tactical gear with rifles they pointed at him. Since my son is white he survived this encounter. But the lesson the family learned is- Emergency services are not there to help. They are there to maintain order. He made two subsequent attempts on his

^ Yes! I am irrationally excited to have someone to giggle with over that bit. Between that and “bootleg Kardashian” I’m wondering if he’s being fed lines or is just now coming into his own.


It takes a real special piece of shit to have your heart broken over calls for a serial harrasser to resign. Fuck off.

You want to talk about right and wrong? You have an outsider to your private entity come in and suddenly demand to be given the exact same reverence as someone who has been there for decades and then complain things are stacked against you when you won’t even go out and help the other members of your group trying to

Yeah, this one is obvious bullshit. Pretty well-written, though.

Let this be the first and only joke of its kind.

To be frank though Dumbledore only “saw the light” when his sister got killed and then tried to use a child as a weapon by making him hate life through placing him with an abusive family for over a decade.

Why does it not shock me that this is a movie about a woman’s sexual trauma based on a novel by a man with male screenwriters and a male director?Hmm...reminds me of when I was asked to give “a woman’s perspective” (not, you know, a writer’s perspective) on a movie about a teen girl’s relationship with her dead mom

I don’t get the hate. Some bored house wife turns her kinky Twilight fanfiction into a dumptruck full of money. We should all wish to accomplish as much.

Meanwhile my fanfic ‘Gundam Wang: Operation Sodomy’ has yet to make me any money at all. :/

Cause it’s a nostalgia that’s purely for the white male America of the white male author/protagonist’s youth. This is a guy who lists a dozens cultural touchstones of the 80s/90s past which he studied... and they’re entirely white. Entirely male. Even though our culture is decidedly not.

I am personally thrilled for the return of single Luann. Ahoy, matey.

And the drugs. My god, both Paula and Robin could shovel the drugs, even after Julian arrived. It was sad to watch (especially because they had almost no shame in who saw them).

You should write fortune cookie messages, aiming to fill the niche of totally ruining someone’s night...

Why aren’t the NRA folks rioting over this? A responsible gun owner did everything you’re supposed to do but was killed.

In the same boat. I have represented black drug addicts for years and heard nothing about how it’s a public health issue - it’s always my clients’ moral failing. Very tough for me to muster sympathy TODAY of all days. I would have sympathy and energy for all but no. Not if it’s so uneven.

I completely agree. I also find myself really resonating with the psychology of role differentiation within a group—now that I’m older I really appreciate how Buffy is destined to never be likable, because she is a leader, and that is a shitty feeling that isn’t resolvable without giving up leadership. The last few

I appreciate the extra insulting detail of claiming the future of the Democratic Party is angry burn-it-down white dudes.

THANK YOU. Ida B Wells taught us, and we walked straight. FOHWTBS about ‘let-downs’ - we were stans for HRC to the very end. Y’all don’t get to be all revisionist on us, we’d nothing to do with the carnage on the 9th.